Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why Memorial Day Weekend? Why NOT Memorial Day Weekend?

Several people have asked, "Why are you having the Buddy Up Against Bullying run on Memorial Day weekend?  Aren't you worried that it will hurt the participation?"  My answer is a steadfast, "Nope.  Not worried at all."

I guess to some it may seem a bit odd to hold the event on a holiday weekend.  Sure, there is a chance that the level of participation here at our school may be impacted somewhat with some families traveling for the weekend.  However, the date really should not have an impact on overall participation thanks to the Virtual 5K aspect.  

On May 24th, 2014, no matter where on the globe you happen to find yourself, you can pin on you Buddy Up Against Bullying bib and go for a run...or a walk...or a bike ride...or a hike.  No matter what you do, you will be helping raise awareness over the epidemic that is bullying.  And that is what Buddy Up is all about...raising awareness and keeping the conversation about bullying out in the open.

Bullying doesn't just exist here in North Carolina (where I work).  It isn't a uniquely American issue either.  This is a global issue that impacts young people everywhere.  And I don't need to look at research data to know that...though the data certainly exists.  All I really have to do is look at the traffic for this very blog.  We have followers from all over the planet (which is a bit humbling to me...but I am thankful for the support), which tells me bullying is also an issue in Australia, Russia, Brazil, Malaysia, and India to name a few.

Nope...not worried one bit about having participation impacted by the Memorial Day weekend.

Thank you for your continued support!


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