Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stand Up! Speak Up!

As a school administrator, without question the most difficult obstacle I face in the struggle to eradicate bullying from our school is not being in the know.  Not knowing who the real bullies are.  Not knowing who all the victims are.  Not knowing because, while people are aware of what's going on, many choose to be silent rather than taking a stand.

Students, I urge you to say something to an adult if you witness bullying, or if you are the victim of bullying.  Tell a trusted teacher.  Tell a school administrator.  Tell a coach.  Tell your parents.  Keep on telling until someone helps.  Parents, tell the school.

When I ask students, "Why didn't you come to me sooner?" their response all too often is, "I didn't want people to think of me as a snitch."  I prefer to think of it as taking a stand for what is right.  Sometimes doing the right thing can be unpopular.  And at the same time, doing the right thing can also be noble, courageous, heroic, brave, selfless, life changing, and inspirational.  It's all in how you look at it.



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